Corporate website of a knife manufacturer

Corporate website of a knife manufacturer

Layout and CMS Integration

  • Adaptive website layout for proper display on all devices.
  • Integration of the website into the Content Management System (CMS) for easy updates and editing.

Website Structure Creation

  • Designing a logical and user-friendly page structure for effective navigation.
  • Development of categories, sections, and product cards to showcase the product range.

Website Speed Optimization

  • Improving performance and reducing page loading time.
  • Optimization of images, code, and website resources.

Direct Order Option on the Website

  • Implementation of an order functionality with a form submission option.
  • Configuration of a user-friendly interface for product selection and ordering.

Support and Administration

  • Regular system and plugin updates for stable website operation.
  • Data monitoring and backups to ensure security.

Orders Sent to Telegram

  • Configuration of order and request notifications sent directly to Telegram for quick alerts.

Screenshot of the Homepage

Corporate website of a knife manufacturer. Blog-style structure. Option to order products directly