Catering and Rental of Hookah

Catering and Rental of Hookah

Website Design Development

  • Creation of a unique design based on business requirements and target audience preferences.
  • Design adaptation for proper display on all devices and screens.

HTML/CSS Layout and CMS Integration

  • Responsive website layout to ensure fast loading and ease of use.
  • Integration of the website into a content management system (CMS) for easy content updates and edits.

Website Structure Creation

  • Designing a logical and intuitive page structure for effective navigation.
  • Organizing sections and categories for convenient presentation of information.

Website Speed Optimization and Bot Protection

  • Improving website performance through code and resource optimization.
  • Setting up tools to protect against automated attacks and bots to ensure security.

Support and Administration

  • Regular updates for CMS, plugins, and systems to maintain stable website performance.
  • Performance monitoring, backups, and technical support.

Screenshot of the Homepage

Development of a project for a catering and rental of hookah company.